Pages 31 and 32 bring us ice cream and pudding recipes. The ice box ice cream recipes are fascinating. Instead of using a machine to continually churn and slowly freeze the cream, they call for freezing and hand stirring the cream until light and airy. This, of course, had to be the way they did it before ice cream churns were invented.
And really, if you’re not making ice cream every day, why take up space and waste money on a contraption you’ll only use once or twice a year.
One of the recipes call for PET milk - I haven’t thought about that for ages. My mother always kept a can around in case of dessert. I don’t make desserts though (my wife and I have an agreement. She does desserts, I do everything else), so I never buy it or stock in at home. Those blue and white cans haven’t changed much over the years.
Pages 29 and 30 have been added and begin the dessert section. I’m amused that desserts are a separate section from cakes, cookies, ice cream, pies, puddings, and frostings. Cakes and cookies are an every day part of life, but orange custard? That’s dessert.
The picture of page 29 has a glitch in it which obliterates some of the text. I dug back into my storage archives and found that my original scan from way back in 1999 has the same glitch. Funny that I didn’t catch that at the time or immediately thereafter, only to find it 14 years later.
Pages 26 and 27 close out the cookie chapter and hold all of the candy recipes. If all of these sweets aren’t enough, don’t worry. The dessert section is up next.
So far there have been 3 recipes named “Divinity” - it’s interesting that sweet treats were associated with the term “divine”. These days most menus name their most decadent dessert with terms like “sinful” and “decadent”. I wonder when that changed.